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eNew Beginnings Program

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The eNBP is the only online program for divorced parents that has shown significant reductions in interparental conflict and children's mental health problems as well as improvements in parent-child relationships using the rigorous evaluation methods employed in tests of new medical treatments. Impressively, these improvements were reported by both parents and children.

In the eNBP, parents acquire valuable skills to enhance their relationships with their children and decrease conflict with their ex-partner, and receive constructive feedback on their use. The eNBP is affordable; the cost is $49 for the 6-session program and $69 for the10-session program. Further, the eNBP offers separate programs tailored for mothers and fathers. Parents are very satisfied with the program.

Notably, 90% of parents who have completed the eNBP felt more confident about the way they do things as a parent, and over 80% felt the court should recommend the program to divorced families.

The eNBP is effective as a standalone program. It also serves as a valuable addition to the support offered by lawyers, mediators, divorce coaches, and mental health professionals.

Additional information about the eNBP can be found here, where professionals can also access the eNBP for review at no cost and parents can try the first session at no cost.